Best Quote - D I A K U I N

Monday, April 7, 2014

Best Quote

When the person is still there is no shame and are afraid to do something good, it is a guarantee for that person is a not meet with a single step of progress.
Receiving your beloved without complaining is a sign that you are grateful to God.
Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect -and I don't live to be- but before you start pointing fingers... make sure you hands are clean!
People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that's bullshit
Never put any limitation since you want to start something, but if you have done you know your limitation.
Good communication comes from people to people, but great communication comes from people to Allah.
When you fast do a goodness, the good fortune will quickly approach you. When you fast do an evil, then the windfall will quickly away from you.
Life is beautiful and brings many of opportunities if we see with the right perspective.  ”
When someone left you, do not cry because that is the message that you’re going to get a better one.
Reality is not always in line with expectations. So, prepare yourself to face the poor reality.
Your eyes can see the things clearly. But with your heart, you can see the truth even without eyes.  ”
The real friends are those who continue to accompany you even when you do not have anything.

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  1. wah tumben pertamax nih,,, hehe

    quotes diatas memang yang terbaik mbak,,,, nice share

  2. Semoga dapat membantu/memotivasi orang walaupun dalam bahasa inggris :)

  3. wow istimewa..... boleh sy simpen nggak mb dwi tulisannya ? ;)

  4. nemu dimana mbak, bagus-bagus lo :)
    namay juga best quote ya :D

  5. Betul kang, komunikasi dengan Allah SWT emang melibatkan hati dan pikiran. sedangkan dgn manusia kdng hanya dengan ucapan .. makasih udh berkunjung :)

  6. kreatif...dan sangat dapat menjadi motivasi kaum remaja kaya saya, karena kita semua tau bahwa
    dengan seringnya berkomunikasi dengan sang pencipta, hati akan menjadi lebih maknyes.

  7. quotenya bagus-bagus. semoga bisa membantu memotivasi teman-teman semua...

  8. Wah kayaknya mang the best nih. Motivasi yg jos bgt.

  9. tafakur ya rajukannya,, tapi setidaknya kata para ulama kita harus bersih bersih hati untuk menuju sesuatu yang paling menakjubkan yakni mampu berkomunikasi dengan Sang Pencipta alam raya seisinya

  10. the time for waiting is over...
    tambahin :D

  11. paling suka dengan yang ini:

    The real friends are those who continue to accompany you even when you do not have anything.

  12. wah sayang banget bahasa inggrisku kacau balau,saya terjemahkan dulu pakai google translate yambak.makasih

  13. bahasa inggris semua ya Mbak :D

  14. indah sekali mutiara kata n begitu bermakna...

  15. kayanya keren nih quote nya, sayangnya saya ga ngerti kalo bahasa inggris. hehe :D

  16. inimah The Best banget mbak Quote nya ^_^

  17. ane suka quoe no 7, sip banget dah

  18. harus di save quote nya...dan ditranslete ben ngerti artine :)

  19. When someone left you, do not cry because that is the message that you’re going to get a better one. kena banget kata2nya

  20. bagus quote ini.. memberikan inspirasi kepada kita semua..

  21. bagus quote ini.. memberikan inspirasi kepada kita semua..

  22. Keren Sis Sangat Menyentuh :D

  23. kalau positive thinking quotenya 'Life is beautiful and brings many of opportunities if we see with the right perspective." sip banget sharingnya mbak :)

  24. waduh saya kurang kelihatan kalau tulisan bahasa inggris, kacau - kacau dah saya ini, tapi komen di atas pada ngherti ya... jempol deh buat yang komen diatas


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